What To Expect On Your First Visit

Fritts Family ChiropracticHave you finally decided to visit Fritts Family Chiropractic to treat your ailments? Congratulations, you've made the right choice. Here's what to expect upon your first few visits.

The first thing we'll do once you come in is discuss your detailed health history, just like a health exam at any other office. For all patients, this means answering a few questions about your previous injuries and current condition, including any outstanding issues that may have specifically prompted your visit to our office. If appropriate, we'll take X-rays to get more information about what's going on with your skeletal system. You'll also undergo a general physical exam of the body with an emphasis on the spine.

At Fritts Family Chiropractic, we use cutting-edge software to analyze the nervous system. This helps to quickly identify any possible challenges or hidden root causes of your issues. Based on immediate findings, you may get adjusted during your first visit if we have gathered enough information to warrant it -- safety is our top concern, so this may wait until your second visit.

The second visit is mostly about a Report Of Findings, which reviews all information gathered during the first visit: root causes, X-rays, software analysis, etc. Our goal is for you to feel comfortable with the path forward and we invite any questions about findings, possible treatments, short-term and long-term plans, or anything else that may be on your mind. From there, we will commence the treatment plan. In general, this involves an acute period to try and address root causes, then a maintenance period that looks at prevention.

Of course, a treatment plan can contain more than just office visits for adjustments. In order for you to achieve your treatment goals, you'll most likely be assigned some homework. This can include anything from a daily stretch plan to recommended sleeping positions to conscious posture and ergonomic adjustments. Adjustments help reset the musculoskeletal system back to its proper balance; in most cases, the body's "learned" positions and habits will want to pull it back out. Patient homework seek to re-train muscle memory and patient habits so that any adjustments can be sustained, allowing the spine to stay aligned.

Ready for your first visit to Fritts Family Chiropractic? Make your appointment today -- we'll get to the root cause of your problem.


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Dr Fritts is a fabulous Chiropractor. I highly recommend him. He has given me great adjustments in his beautiful office in the Lower Haight. I left feeling balanced and pain free. Call him and make an appointment today-you will be thankful.
Robin S.

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Phone: (415) 572-7137
Email: garretfritts@gmail.com
Address: 557 Waller Street, San Francisco, CA 94117
(415) 572-7137